March Birthstone | Aquamarine

March Birthstone | Aquamarine

The March birthstone Aquamarine has a beautiful seawater color which has given this gemstone its name “Aquamarine” which is  derived from the Latin word “water of the sea”.  It is a valued gem of ancient lineage.  Aquamarine stones help...
February Birthstone | Amethyst

February Birthstone | Amethyst

The February birthstone, amethyst, is said to strengthen relationships and give its wearer courage, wisdom, sobriety and security.   Ancient Greeks thought that the amethyst guarded against intoxication.  In fact, amethyst comes from amethystos, a Greek word meaning...
January Birthstone | Garnet

January Birthstone | Garnet

Garnet traditionally is a symbol of faith, love and constancy are its attributes. Because of this, it’s held that it might prevent nightmares and can provide directional guidance in darkness. Wearers may see an increase in their self-image, will power and energy...