Care for your Jewellery using a few household items… when you are travelling.

Straw: Threading your necklaces and bracelets through a straw(s) and doing up the clasp will ensure your necklace and bracelets do not get “tangled” up during your travel and arrive untwisted and tangle free!   Cut the straw(s) to your desired length.  Also a toilet paper roll could also be used for bulkier “pendants” that won’t fit through a straw.  Do you have a tangled chain? Try using a safety pin to gently pull on the knots or see your Jeweller to untangle and unkink your chain.

Buttons: Put each earring through the button hole, this will keep your earrings nicely secure and separated so they will not get jostled around and potentially scratch each other.

Ziploc Bags: Putting each item in an individual small “ziplock bag” also keeps items separated….remember, Diamonds can scratch other Diamonds!  Some dollar stores in the “craft section” carry extra small to large plastic bags that will accommodate the individual sizes of your pieces.

Socks:  Using socks as “pouches” to securely place all your “stowed” items also secretly hides and camouflages your precious pieces.

A few Safety tips…

Best to keep your precious items, jewellery, camera, documentation and all your valuable items with you in a bag you keep close to you, via plane, train and automobiles etc.

Wear your ring the other way around in particular if you are wearing an eye catching ring …if this is not for you….consider having a “travel ring” made!   An exact replica of your precious ring(s).  Sterling Silver, Gold plated, cubic zirconia and synthetic gemstones can make a stunning replica and you can leave your ring(s) at home in your safety deposit box.

Taking pictures of your jewellery items before your trip begins “just in case” your pieces get misplaced or stolen.  On a side note,  having pictures of your credit cards and important documents can also be helpful when relaying information to the appropriate authorities and institutions to help you recover and replace these items provided you have a securely locked phone.

Safe Travels for you and your jewellery!