For those fortunate enough to be born in April, the most prized precious gemstone of all is a…
The April birthstone in addition to being a symbol of everlasting love, was once thought to bring courage. In Sanskrit, the diamond is called “vajra,” which also means lightning; in Hindu mythology, vajra was the weapon of Indra, the King of Gods.  The stone is said to represent faith, loyalty, honesty, purity, love and innocence and bestow on the wearer peace and fulfilling relationships.
If you would like a custom piece of jewellery created with
Diamonds come in for your no obligation consultation!
Bring with you any unworn jewellery regardless of the condition and it may offset the cost of your custom handcrafted piece made especially for you.   Call us today to make your appointment: 604-541-1503.
To view a variety of Diamond Jewellery Click here