First of all, Tourmaline is a semi-precious stone that is also one of the Birthstones for October along with Opal. Tourmaline is called a “receptive/electric stone” which means it is calming, promotes meditation, wisdom, strengthens the immune system and is “magnetic”! As far back as 1880, it was discovered that tourmaline generated an electrical charge. The charge produced infrared photons, alpha waves and negative ions. Potentially Tourmaline can be found in certain brands of Hair Straightener’s. Tourmaline is ground into dust that is infused into the ceramic plates of the flat iron. The negative ions contact with the positive ions of your hair, neutralizing it, thus resulting in a glossy shine with no frizz! Side Note: Remember when straightening your hair, take small sections! Other Benefits of Tourmaline besides that it comes in a spectrum of colours, the proponents relieve stress, improves circulation, focus and mental alertness. Enjoy wearing Tourmaline & Straightening your hair!