I need my to Ring Sparkle!
Do you have a long list of “To Do’s”…lots of errands and every time you look at your ring, you say “oh I have to get my ring cleaned”!
Good news…this can be done in minutes!  While you wait your ring can be sparkled in our Ultra Sonic.
What is an ultra-sonic cleaner?
Using ultrasound waves and special cleaning solutions, the ultra-sonic machine can remove foreign particles such as soaps, oil and tarnish, as well as hand creams, lotions & potions.  The action also penetrates blind holes, recesses and cracks.  This is followed by high pressure steam.  Note: (Not all stones can be cleaned in the ultra-sonic & steam, however all items are accessed prior to cleaning at José & Co.)
Have a lot of scratches on your ring?
We can polish & refinish your ring!   Your item will be hand polished by our In House Professional Goldsmith paying attention to all the details of your rings , earrings, bracelets, necklaces, whatever your unique piece might be.
Your item will be totally restored to NEW!