February Birthstone | Amethyst

February Birthstone | Amethyst

The February birthstone, amethyst, is said to strengthen relationships and give its wearer courage, wisdom, sobriety and security.   Ancient Greeks thought that the amethyst guarded against intoxication.  In fact, amethyst comes from amethystos, a Greek word meaning...
January Birthstone | Garnet

January Birthstone | Garnet

Garnet traditionally is a symbol of faith, love and constancy are its attributes. Because of this, it’s held that it might prevent nightmares and can provide directional guidance in darkness. Wearers may see an increase in their self-image, will power and energy...
Preparing for Complimentary Jewellery Consultation

Preparing for Complimentary Jewellery Consultation

Just a few A B C’s… A) Set up your FREE no obligation Custom Design Consultation. B) Bring in your unworn jewellery regardless of colour, Karat or condition…Why you ask?  Many times we can incorporate the gold and or stones into your new piece adding more history to...
Jewellery Travel Tips

Jewellery Travel Tips

Care for your Jewellery using a few household items… when you are travelling. Straw: Threading your necklaces and bracelets through a straw(s) and doing up the clasp will ensure your necklace and bracelets do not get “tangled” up during your travel and arrive...
Why Rubies are Red?

Why Rubies are Red?

The word ruby comes from ruber, Latin for red. The color of a ruby is due to the element chromium. Rubies are the red version of the mineral known as corundum. Pure corundumis made up of aluminum and oxygen and is colourless.  In a ruby, about 1% of chromium replaces...
What is a Rose Cut Diamond

What is a Rose Cut Diamond

The rose cut resembles the petals of a rose by trying to imitate the narrowing spiral of the petals; hence the name: rose cut diamond. The basic rose cut diamond has a flat base, without the pavilion, and the crown has various triangular facets that form a point...
What is Rose Gold

What is Rose Gold

There are a few varieties of colours that fall under the ‘rose gold’ category, including red and pink gold. The more copper in the mix, the redder the ring will be.  Rose gold is very durable, more so than yellow or white gold however not as strong as platinum.  Rose...
Champagne and Chocolate Diamonds

Champagne and Chocolate Diamonds

Champagne & Chocolate…YUM! ​ A Champagne Diamond is typically a yellow diamond with a hint of brown or a brown diamond with light tone and yellow accents. On the other hand, a Chocolate Diamond is a rich, deep brown diamond that looks good enough to eat. Champagne...
Benefits of Aquamarine

Benefits of Aquamarine

*Boost courage, stimulates clearer communication. *Strong metaphysical properties that help you to let go of old emotional issues you may be holding on to. *Assist in releasing anger which reduces stress, also may help you to make positive changes in your life....
Hearts and Arrows Diamond

Hearts and Arrows Diamond

The term Hearts and Arrows, also known as H&A…refers to round brilliant diamonds that have been cut to a very high degree of three dimensional symmetry, also referred to as “optical” symmetry”.  When looking through a special reflector device you will see a...