The meaning behind each finger!

The meaning behind each finger!

A few guidelines, however no steadfast rules…its your ring after all! Note: Engagement Rings and Wedding rings are the exception. Pinky Finger: This is a good choice for the man who wants to wear a statementpiece.  The pinky finger doesn`t have any religious or...
I need my Ring to Sparkle!

I need my Ring to Sparkle!

I need my to Ring Sparkle! Do you have a long list of “To Do’s”…lots of errands and every time you look at your ring, you say “oh I have to get my ring cleaned”! Good news…this can be done in minutes!  While you wait your ring can be sparkled in our Ultra Sonic. What...
Tourmaline in my Hair Straightener?  Say What!

Tourmaline in my Hair Straightener? Say What!

First of all, Tourmaline is a semi-precious stone that is also one of the Birthstones for October along with Opal. Tourmaline is called a “receptive/electric stone” which means it is calming, promotes meditation, wisdom, strengthens the immune system and is...
September Birthstone | Sapphire

September Birthstone | Sapphire

This lovely gem gives September-born babies a full spectrum choosing the shade that best suits them as sapphires come in a rainbow of colours except red which is classified as a Ruby.  The sapphire has been popular since the Middle Ages as the celestial blue color of...
August Birthstone | Peridot

August Birthstone | Peridot

Peridot is named after the French word peritot, meaning gold, because the mineral can vary towards this color. Peridot is also the stone given to celebrate the 16th year of marriage!  The Peridot is considered a wood element and works to promote abundance and...
July Birthstone | Ruby

July Birthstone | Ruby

Rubies, the birthstone of July, are considered the king of gems and represent love, health and wisdom. It was believed wearing a fine red Ruby bestowed good fortune on its owner. A Ruby is a precious stone  and the value increases based on its color and quality. To...
May Birthstone | Emerald

May Birthstone | Emerald

Called the “Stone of Successful Love”. Emerald opens and nurtures the heart. Its soothing energy provides healing, bringing freshness and vitality to the spirit. A stone of inspiration and infinite patience, it embodies unity, compassion and unconditional...
April Birthstone | Diamond

April Birthstone | Diamond

For those fortunate enough to be born in April, the most prized precious gemstone of all is a… Diamond! The April birthstone in addition to being a symbol of everlasting love, was once thought to bring courage. In Sanskrit, the diamond is called...
March Birthstone | Aquamarine

March Birthstone | Aquamarine

The March birthstone Aquamarine has a beautiful seawater color which has given this gemstone its name “Aquamarine” which is  derived from the Latin word “water of the sea”.  It is a valued gem of ancient lineage.  Aquamarine stones help...